
After salvation, some sort of Christian service should follow….. but it is here that much mis-understanding exists.

Ideally, whatever Christian service a believer involves in should be directed by the Lord Himself…. but many do not seek God that intimately (to be sure what He wants them to do), so instead, they may allow some organisation to “direct their path” (and there is no lack of “works oriented” organisations to choose from)…. so with varying degrees of dedication, they join this or that team, committee or group… and off they go, evangelizing, singing or helping some good humanitarian cause…. (possibly) perceiving every “hindrance” as “satan’s attack” and every success as “proving that they are doing the work of God”… one thing is certain, if they are dedicated and perceived to be doing a “good job” they will get the “praise of men” and their work load will increase (until either they burn out or walk away)… I know all this sounds a little cynical but it IS the “way of the world” and it HAS found it’s way into churches and “other organisations of Christian service”.

But how does God view “all this bustle and activity going on in His name”…. I think the Bible makes it plain that our service should flow from our communion with Him (John 15: 4 – 5)….. it matters not whether we “think” that we have accomplished “a great deal” or not… or whether anybody else agrees with us or not about this.

IF we ABIDE in the vine… we WILL bear fruit (John 15:7)…. the “quantity of fruit” is left to God (Matthew 13:8)…. He knows us better than we know ourselves and we are all INDIVIDUALS (some with more and some with less “natural” talents)….. we CANNOT bear SPIRITUAL fruit on our own (whatever fruit we seem to bear through our own efforts is unacceptable and useless…. so why have some “burnt themselves out” trying to do what God never intended them to do… these will be most disappointed later on (their “reward” may not be what they expect at all for all THEIR effort (Matthew 20:12))….. and that is where the problem lies, THEIR effort is NOT acceptable to God…. it is SUPPOSED to be “GOD bearing (whatever quantity) of fruit THRU us….. and at the end of the day, our attitude SHOULD be, what have we done anyway ?  … we dont deserve anything but have merely done that “which was our DUTY” (Luke 17:10) (namely to be a CONDUIT to bring GLORY TO GOD)… this is a very sobering thought and is NOT POPULAR with people…. because we DESPERATELY WANT to be “PROUD” of OUR achievements…. we are accustomed to both giving and receiving the “praise of men”… this is the way we are raised from childhood…. every “function” or every “ceremony” (giving and receiving the PRAISE OF MEN)…. only by drawing REALLY close to GOD can we begin seeing things from His viewpoint (and the result of this is that we will be “out of step” with the REST OF THE POPULATION)….. but take heart…. JESUS (as well as all the prophets) experienced this feeling…. IF you are serious about getting ready for ETERNITY, isn’t it better to be friends with GOD rather than the “rest of the world” ?…. you decide.

Prayer for Today:

Loving Heavenly Father, as we consider your GREATNESS…. everything to do with this planet and mankind becomes so insignificant an issue…. help us to move on earth only for YOU…. guide us each moment of every day… and THANK YOU so much for being our friend and companion in this life… and forever. Amen